Noble Fir

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Noble Fir


Bundle of 25 trees

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Abies procera is a beautiful conifer tree that can reach mature heights of 90 to 200 feet tall. It has reddish pollen cones are reddish, and seed cones that are produced upright on the tree branches. It’s needles curve upward, and are roughly 4-sided, and are typically a bluish-green color but can have a silver hue.


Grows in middle to upper elevation forests, and is often a pioneer tree in disturbed areas. It does not tolerate shade, and does well in higher elevation areas where Douglas fir doesn’t grow as well. It is able to grow well in areas with deep snowpack. It does best in full sun to partial shade in moist but well-drained soils.

Beneficial Uses

Extremely popular Christmas tree due to it’s beautiful stature and fragrant smell. Noble firs provide good nesting sites and cover for animals, as well as food for many species. Grouse eat the needles, deer and elk eat the foliage and twigs in the winter, and squirrels, chipmunks, and birds eat the seeds.