Big Leaf Maple

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Big Leaf Maple


Bundle of 10 trees

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Acer macrophyllum is a broad-leaved, deciduous tree grows 50-110 feet tall (the largest of all maple trees), with a single trunk 36-48 inches in diameter, and can have a branch spread of up to 50 feet. The leaves are dark green and 12-24 inches wide. Greenish-yellow flowers are scented, appear in the spring before the leaves, and hang in cylindrical clusters. Fruits are winged, and disperse by flying "helicopter style".


Lowland areas, usually in moist, well-drained soils with shade, but also on dry sites. Almost never in saturated soils. In mixed stands with conifers, along stream banks, and in the open. Full sun to partial shade.  Drought tolerant.

Beneficial Uses

Wildlife eat seeds, leaves, and new sprouts. Flowers are an early nectar source for bees and other insects. Deer and elk feed off the twigs and foliage.  Also provides cover and nesting sites for birds and other wildlife.  Wood is commonly used in making piano frames, decorative veneers, flooring, paneling and furniture and some times for wood fuel.  Sap can be tapped for sweet maple syrup.